Sunday 29 June 2014

To Do List #1

  1. Follow more photography blogs and take more photos. Not to become a hardcore photographer wannabe: simply because I like taking photos and want to be more creative with the ones I do take, be they personal or blog-related.
  2. Get into my social media. I've recently joined Twitter and Pinterest; the former I am thoroughly enjoying, the latter I have yet to get my head around effectively. 
  3. Read more. And, in doing so,
  4. Spend less empty time on the internet.
  5. Save some money, then spend it on the right things - trips to visit friends I've not spent quality time with since before my YA started last year being the main example.
  6. Get used to an earlier bedtime.
  7. See more of my favourite people. I think I am getting better (and this will improve as my friends graduate and move home, or return from foreign lands) but I tend to get myself wrapped up in a little bubble of "it's my day off, let's do basically nothing" and not reach out to be more sociable.

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